
Define Celery tasks and functions for calling signals

This module is automatically imported by Celery. Use these functions for:

class djangofloor.tasks.Constant(name)[source]

Allow to define constants that can be nicely printed to stdout, signal_name, to=None, kwargs=None, countdown=None, expires=None, eta=None)[source]

Call a DjangoFloor signal.

  • window_info – either a django.http.request.HttpRequest or a djangofloor.wsgi.window_info.WindowInfo
  • signal_name – name of the called signal (str)
  • tolist of the topics that should receive the signal
  • kwargs – dict with all arguments of your signal. Will be encoded to JSON with settings.WEBSOCKET_SIGNAL_ENCODER and decoded with settings.WEBSOCKET_SIGNAL_DECODER.
  • countdown – check the Celery doc (in a nutshell: number of seconds before executing the signal)
  • expires – check the Celery doc (in a nutshell: if this signal is not executed before this number of seconds, it is cancelled)
  • eta – check the Celery doc (in a nutshell: datetime of running this signal)
djangofloor.tasks.df_call(signal_name, request, sharing=None, from_client=False, kwargs=None, countdown=None, expires=None, eta=None)[source]

Deprecated since version 1.0,: do not use it


Return a valid Redis connection, using a connection pool.


Deprecated since version 1.0: do not use it


Import all, ‘’ and files to register signals and WS functions (tries these files for all Django apps).

djangofloor.tasks.scall(window_info, signal_name, to=None, **kwargs)[source]

Shortcut to, allowing to directly pass arguments of the signal to this function. Your signal cannot use window_info, signal_name and to as argument names.

These two successive calls are strictly equivalent:

from djangofloor.tasks import call, scall, WINDOW, SERVER

def my_python_view(request):
    scall(request, '', to=[WINDOW, SERVER], arg1=12, arg2='Hello')
    call(request, '', to=[WINDOW, SERVER], kwargs={'arg1': 12, 'arg2': 'Hello'})
djangofloor.tasks.set_websocket_topics(request, *topics)[source]

Use it in a Django view for setting websocket topics. Any signal sent to one of these topics will be received by the client.

param request:django.http.request.HttpRequest
param topics:list of topics that will be subscribed by the websocket (can be any Python object).