Main features… and how to disable them

Settings system

DjangoFloor allows to merge several files to define your settings:

  • DjangoFloor.conf.defaults that aims at providing good default values,
  • yourproject.defaults for your project-specific settings,
  • /etc/yourproject/settings.ini and /etc/yourproject/ for installation-dependent settings,
  • ./ and ./local_settings.ini setting files in the working directory.

You should define your project-wide settings in yourproject.defaults and the list of installation-specific settings in yourproject.iniconf. Development-specific settings (DEBUG = True!) can be written into and added to your source.

If you do not want to use this setting system: just set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable before running the scripts.

Deactivate redis

To disable background tasks, websockets and Redis cache, you must change these settings:

  • USE_CELERY = False

Deactivate signals over websockets

To disable only the use of websockets, you must set WEBSOCKET_URL to None.

Default URLs

By default, DjangoFloor provides a complete URL configuration:

  • index view given by DF_INDEX_VIEW (through ‘index’),

  • static and media files,

  • simple authentication pages that use django.contrib.auth.views (or allauth.account.views is USE_ALL_AUTH is True):

    • ‘df:login’,
    • ‘df:logout’,
    • ‘df:password_reset’,
    • ‘df:set_password’,
  • signal definitions through ‘df:signals’ if WEBSOCKET_URL is not empty,

  • monitoring view through ‘df:system_state’ if DF_SYSTEM_CHECKS is not empty,

  • global search view through ‘df:site_search’ if DF_SITE_SEARCH_VIEW is not empty,

  • favicon through ‘favicon’,

  • Django admin site,

  • javascript translation (i18n),

  • URLs for django-all—auth if at least one method is required,

  • Django-REST-Framework if the package is installed,

  • Django debug toolbar if the package is installed and DEBUG is set.

To this list is added the list provided by DF_URL_CONF.

If you prefer to use your own URL configuration, just set the ROOT_URLCONF setting.

Middleware and context processors

DjangoFloor offers custom middleware (djangofloor.middleware.DjangoFloorMiddleware) and context processors (djangofloor.context_processors.context_base). You can disable them by overriding the settings TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

DjangoFloor also provides a backend for authenticating users (djangofloor.backends.DefaultGroupsRemoteUserBackend). Override the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting to disable it.


DjangoFloor provides a valid configuration for Django-Pipeline with Bootstrap3, Font-Awesome and a few specific scripts or style sheets. Just override the PIPELINE setting to disable them.


DjangoFloor provides an easy way to run Django, Celery or aiohttp commands. There are several main functions in djangofloor.scripts that automatically detect the name of your project from the script name and loads settings from the corresponding Python module (your_projects.defaults). A classical script should create ‘{your_project}-ctl = djangofloor.scripts:control’ as entry_points. If you want to use custom scripts, you just have to remove this line from your You can also target ‘djangofloor.scripts:django’, ‘djangofloor.scripts:aiohttp’, ‘djangofloor.scripts:gunicorn’, ‘djangofloor.scripts:celery’.


DjangoFloor provides a log configuration based on:

  • the DEBUG mode (if True, everything is logged to the console),
  • the name of your package (DF_MODULE_NAME),
  • the name of the running script (SCRIPT_NAME),
  • the LOG_DIRECTORY value for storing infos and errors in rotated files,
  • the LOG_REMOTE_URL value for send errors to a syslog (or logd) server,
  • the LOG_REMOTE_ACCESS boolean (that determines if client accesses are also sent to the remote log server),
  • the SERVER_NAME variable (instead of having the component, you have the name of the server in the logs),
  • the SERVER_PORT variable (instead of having the component, you have the name of the server in the logs),
  • the list LOG_EXCLUDED_COMMANDS of commands that do not write logs,
  • the RAVEN_DSN, which is the Sentry DSN (a URL embedding login and password),

This log configuration is provided by djangofloor.log.LogConfiguration.

If Django is in DEBUG mode, then all logs are only written to stdout. Otherwise, if LOG_DIRECTORY is set, each command has its own file (and each Celery queue has its own file). If LOG_REMOTE_URL is set, everything is sent to logd or rsyslogd. All errors are also reported the admins by e-mail.

Here is a sample of log message:

cat ./django_data/log/easydemo-server-error.log
2017-11-18 21:51:23 [localhost:9000] [ERROR] error log message