Source code for djangofloor.conf.mapping

"""Mapping between .ini config files and Django settings

This mapping can be overriden in `yourproject.iniconf:INI_MAPPING`.
The `INI_MAPPING` must be a list of :class:`djangofloor.conf.fields.ConfigField`, giving where to search in a .ini file,
the corresponding Django setting value and how to convert from one format to the another.

from djangofloor.conf.fields import (
from djangofloor.conf.social_providers import SOCIAL_PROVIDER_APPS

__author__ = "Matthieu Gallet"

[docs]def x_accel_converter(value): if bool_setting(value): return [("{MEDIA_ROOT}/", "{MEDIA_URL}")] return []
REDIS_MAPPING = [ IntegerConfigField( "cache.db", "CACHE_DB", help_str="Database number (redis only). \n" 'Python package "django-redis" is also required to use Redis.', ), CharConfigField( "", "CACHE_HOST", help_str="cache server host (redis or memcache)" ), CharConfigField( "cache.password", "CACHE_PASSWORD", help_str="cache server password (if required by redis)", ), IntegerConfigField( "cache.port", "CACHE_PORT", help_str="cache server port (redis or memcache)" ), ChoiceConfigFile( "cache.engine", "CACHE_PROTOCOL", choices={ "redis": "redis", "memcache": "memcache", "locmem": "locmem", "file": "file", }, help_str='cache storage engine ("locmem", "redis" or "memcache")', ), IntegerConfigField( "sessions.db", "SESSION_REDIS_DB", help_str="Database number of the Redis sessions DB\n" 'Python package "django-redis-sessions" is required.', ), CharConfigField( "", "SESSION_REDIS_HOST", help_str="Redis sessions DB host" ), CharConfigField( "sessions.password", "SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD", help_str="Redis sessions DB password (if required)", ), IntegerConfigField( "sessions.port", "SESSION_REDIS_PORT", help_str="Redis sessions DB port" ), ] CELERY_MAPPING = [ IntegerConfigField( "websocket.db", "WEBSOCKET_REDIS_DB", help_str="Database number of the Redis websocket DB", ), CharConfigField( "", "WEBSOCKET_REDIS_HOST", help_str="Redis websocket DB host" ), CharConfigField( "websocket.password", "WEBSOCKET_REDIS_PASSWORD", help_str="Redis websocket DB password (if required)", ), IntegerConfigField( "websocket.port", "WEBSOCKET_REDIS_PORT", help_str="Redis websocket DB port" ), IntegerConfigField( "celery.db", "CELERY_DB", help_str="Database number of the Redis Celery DB\n" "Celery is used for processing background tasks and websockets.", ), CharConfigField("", "CELERY_HOST", help_str="Redis Celery DB host"), CharConfigField( "celery.password", "CELERY_PASSWORD", help_str="Redis Celery DB password (if required)", ), IntegerConfigField("celery.port", "CELERY_PORT", help_str="Redis Celery DB port"), IntegerConfigField( "celery.processes", "CELERY_PROCESSES", help_str="number of Celery processes" ), ] BASE_MAPPING = [ CharConfigField( "global.admin_email", "ADMIN_EMAIL", help_str="e-mail address for receiving logged errors", ), CharConfigField( "", "LOCAL_PATH", help_str="where all data will be stored (static/uploaded/temporary files, …). " "If you change it, you must run the collectstatic and migrate commands again.\n", ), CharConfigField( "global.language_code", "LANGUAGE_CODE", help_str="default to fr_FR" ), CharConfigField( "global.listen_address", "LISTEN_ADDRESS", help_str="address used by your web server.", ), CharConfigField( "global.ssl_keyfile", "DF_SERVER_SSL_KEY", help_str="Private SSL key (if you do not use a reverse proxy with SSL)", ), CharConfigField( "global.ssl_certfile", "DF_SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE", help_str="Public SSL certificate (if you do not use a reverse proxy with SSL)", ), CharConfigField( "global.server_url", "SERVER_BASE_URL", help_str="Public URL of your website. \n" 'Default to "http://{listen_address}/" but should ' "be different if you use a reverse proxy like " "Apache or Nginx. Example:", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.timeout", "DF_SERVER_TIMEOUT", help_str="Web workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted.", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.graceful_timeout", "DF_SERVER_GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT", help_str="After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish serving " "requests. Workers still alive after the timeout (starting from the receipt of " "the restart signal) are force killed.", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.keepalive", "DF_SERVER_KEEPALIVE", help_str="After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish serving " "requests. Workers still alive after the timeout (starting from the receipt of " "the restart signal) are force killed.", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.max_requests", "DF_SERVER_MAX_REQUESTS", help_str="The maximum number of requests a worker will process before restarting.", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.threads", "DF_SERVER_THREADS", help_str="The number of web server threads for handling requests.", ), IntegerConfigField( "server.processes", "DF_SERVER_PROCESSES", help_str="The number of web server processes for handling requests.", ), CharConfigField( "global.time_zone", "TIME_ZONE", help_str="default to Europe/Paris" ), CharConfigField( "global.log_remote_url", "LOG_REMOTE_URL", help_str="Send logs to a syslog or systemd log daemon. \n" "Examples: syslog+tcp://localhost:514/user, syslog:///local7, " "syslog:///dev/log/daemon, logd:///project_name", ), CharConfigField( "global.log_directory", "LOG_DIRECTORY", help_str="Write all local logs to this directory.", ), CharConfigField( "global.log_raven_dsn", "RAVEN_DSN", help_str='Use the Raven service to capture logs. Require the "raven" package. \n' 'Should look like ""', ), BooleanConfigField( "global.log_remote_access", "LOG_REMOTE_ACCESS", help_str="If true, log of HTTP connections are also sent to syslog/logd", ), CharConfigField( "database.db", "DATABASE_NAME", help_str="Main database name (or path of the sqlite3 database)", ), CharConfigField( "database.engine", "DATABASE_ENGINE", help_str='Main database engine ("mysql", "postgresql", "sqlite3", "oracle", or the dotted name of ' "the Django backend)", ), CharConfigField("", "DATABASE_HOST", help_str="Main database host"), CharConfigField( "database.password", "DATABASE_PASSWORD", help_str="Main database password" ), IntegerConfigField("database.port", "DATABASE_PORT", help_str="Main database port"), CharConfigField("database.user", "DATABASE_USER", help_str="Main database user"), CharConfigField("", "EMAIL_HOST", help_str="SMTP server"), CharConfigField("email.password", "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD", help_str="SMTP password"), IntegerConfigField( "email.port", "EMAIL_PORT", help_str="SMTP port (often 25, 465 or 587)" ), CharConfigField("email.user", "EMAIL_HOST_USER", help_str="SMTP user"), CharConfigField("email.from", "EMAIL_FROM", help_str="Displayed sender email"), BooleanConfigField( "email.use_tls", "EMAIL_USE_TLS", help_str='"true" if your SMTP uses STARTTLS ' "(often on port 587)", ), BooleanConfigField( "email.use_ssl", "EMAIL_USE_SSL", help_str='"true" if your SMTP uses SSL (often on port 465)', ), ] SENDFILE_MAPPING = [ BooleanConfigField( "global.use_apache", "USE_X_SEND_FILE", help_str='"true" if Apache is used as reverse-proxy with mod_xsendfile.' "The X-SENDFILE header must be allowed from file directories", ), ConfigField( "global.use_nginx", "X_ACCEL_REDIRECT", from_str=x_accel_converter, to_str=lambda x: "True" if x else "False", help_str='"true" is nginx is used as reverse-proxy with x-accel-redirect.' "The media directory (and url) must be allowed in the Nginx configuration.", ), ] AUTH_MAPPING = [ BooleanConfigField( "auth.local_users", "DF_ALLOW_LOCAL_USERS", help_str='Set to "false" to deactivate local database of users.', ), BooleanConfigField( "auth.pam", "USE_PAM_AUTHENTICATION", help_str='Set to "true" if you want to activate PAM authentication', ), BooleanConfigField( "auth.create_users", "DF_ALLOW_USER_CREATION", help_str='Set to "false" if users cannot create their account themselvers, or ' "only if existing users can by authenticated by the reverse-proxy.", ), IntegerConfigField( "auth.session_duration", "SESSION_COOKIE_AGE", help_str="Duration of the connection sessions " "(in seconds, default to 1,209,600 s / 14 days)", ), CharConfigField( "auth.remote_user_header", "DF_REMOTE_USER_HEADER", help_str='Set it if the reverse-proxy authenticates users, a common value is "HTTP_REMOTE_USER". ' "Note: the HTTP_ prefix is automatically added, just set REMOTE_USER in the " "reverse-proxy configuration. ", ), ListConfigField( "auth.remote_user_groups", "DF_DEFAULT_GROUPS", help_str="Comma-separated list of groups, for new users that are automatically created " "when authenticated by remote_user_header. Ignored if groups are read from a LDAP " "server. ", ), CharConfigField( "auth.radius_server", "RADIUS_SERVER", help_str="IP or FQDN of the Radius server. " 'Python package "django-radius" is required.', ), IntegerConfigField( "auth.radius_port", "RADIUS_PORT", help_str="port of the Radius server." ), CharConfigField( "auth.radius_secret", "RADIUS_SECRET", help_str="Shared secret if the Radius server", ), BooleanConfigField( "auth.allow_basic_auth", "USE_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH", help_str='Set to "true" if you want to allow HTTP basic auth, using the Django database.', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_server_url", "AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI", help_str='URL of your LDAP server, like "ldap://". ' 'Python packages "pyldap" and "django-auth-ldap" must be installed.' "Can be used for retrieving attributes of users authenticated by the reverse proxy", ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_bind_dn", "AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN", help_str="Bind dn for LDAP authentication", ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_bind_password", "AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD", help_str="Bind password for LDAP authentication", ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_user_search_base", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE", help_str="Search base for LDAP authentication by direct after an search, " 'like "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_filter", "AUTH_LDAP_FILTER", help_str='Filter for LDAP authentication, like "(uid=%%(user)s)" (the default),' ' the double "%%" is required in .ini files.', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_direct_bind", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE", help_str="Set it for a direct LDAP bind and to skip the LDAP search, " 'like "uid=%%(user)s,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com". ' '%%(user)s is the only allowed variable and the double "%%" is required in .ini files.', ), BooleanConfigField( "auth.ldap_start_tls", "AUTH_LDAP_START_TLS", help_str='Set to "true" if you want to use StartTLS.', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_first_name_attribute", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_FIRST_NAME", help_str='LDAP attribute for the user\'s first name, like "givenName".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_last_name_attribute", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_LAST_NAME", help_str='LDAP attribute for the user\'s last name, like "sn".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_email_attribute", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_EMAIL", help_str='LDAP attribute for the user\'s email, like "email".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_is_active_group", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_IS_ACTIVE", help_str='LDAP group DN for active users, like "cn=active,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_is_staff_group", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_IS_STAFF", help_str='LDAP group DN for staff users, like "cn=staff,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_is_superuser_group", "AUTH_LDAP_USER_IS_SUPERUSER", help_str='LDAP group DN for superusers, like "cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_require_group", "AUTH_LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP", help_str="only authenticates users belonging to this group. Must be something like " '"cn=enabled,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com".', ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_deny_group", "AUTH_LDAP_DENY_GROUP", help_str="authentication is denied for users belonging to this group. Must be something like " '"cn=disabled,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com".', ), BooleanConfigField( "auth.ldap_mirror_groups", "AUTH_LDAP_MIRROR_GROUPS", help_str="Mirror LDAP groups at each user login", ), CharConfigField( "auth.ldap_group_search_base", "AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE", help_str='Search base for LDAP groups, like "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"', ), ChoiceConfigFile( "auth.ldap_group_type", "AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_NAME", choices={ "posix": "django_auth_ldap.config.PosixGroupType", "nis": "django_auth_ldap.config.NISGroupType", "GroupOfNames": "django_auth_ldap.config.GroupOfNamesType", "NestedGroupOfNames": "django_auth_ldap.config.NestedGroupOfNamesType", "GroupOfUniqueNames": "django_auth_ldap.config.GroupOfUniqueNamesType", "NestedGroupOfUniqueNames": "django_auth_ldap.config.NestedGroupOfUniqueNamesType", "ActiveDirectory": "django_auth_ldap.config.ActiveDirectoryGroupType", "NestedActiveDirectory": "django_auth_ldap.config.NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType", "OrganizationalRole": "django_auth_ldap.config.OrganizationalRoleGroupType", "NestedOrganizationalRole": "django_auth_ldap.config.NestedOrganizationalRoleGroupType", }, help_str="Type of LDAP groups.", ), # CharConfigField('auth.ldap_krb5_ccache', 'KRB5_CCACHE', # help_str='If your LDAP server needs a Kerberos authentication, ' # 'path of the ccache file (optional).'), # CharConfigField('auth.ldap_krb5_keytab', 'KRB5_KEYTAB', # help_str='If your LDAP server needs a Kerberos authentication, path of the client keytab.'), # CharConfigField('auth.ldap_krb5_principal', 'KRB5_PRINCIPAL', # help_str='Principal to use for Kerberos authentication on the LDAP server.'), ] ALLAUTH_MAPPING = [] # empty settings (please use the `social_authentications` management command instead) INI_MAPPING = ( BASE_MAPPING + REDIS_MAPPING + CELERY_MAPPING + AUTH_MAPPING + ALLAUTH_MAPPING )