Source code for djangofloor.decorators

"""Decorators to declare signals and remote functions

ALso define common functions for allowing (or not) signal calls to user, and several tools for checking arguments
provided to the signal (or function).


Three decorators are provided, for creating signals, websocket functions or special signals for validating forms.
Original functions are left unmodified by the decorators.
These decorators instantiate a :class:`djangofloor.decorators.Connection` object and stores it in the

Restrict signal/function use

When creating a connection, you provide a callable that checks if the browser is allowed to call this code.
By default, the registered code can only be called from Python code.
The callable takes three arguments:

  * the called :class:`djangofloor.decorators.Connection` (signal or ws function),
  * the :class:`djangofloor.window_info.WindowInfo` object,
  * the kwarg dict with unmodified arguments.

Argument validators

The registered Python code can use py3 annotation for specifying data types.

.. code-block:: python

  from djangofloor.decorators import Choice, RE, SerializedForm
  from django import forms

  class MyForm(forms.Form):
      test = forms.CharField()

  def my_signal(window_info, kwarg1: Choice([1, 2], int)=1, kwarg2: Re('^\\d+$', int)=2,
          kwarg3: SerializedForm(MyForm)):
     assert isinstance(kwarg1, int)
     assert isinstance(kwarg2, int)
     assert isinstance(kwarg3, MyForm)

  scall(window_info, 'demo.signal', to=[SERVER], kwarg1="1", kwarg2="12312", kwarg3=[{'value': '12', 'name': 'test'}])

import io
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import random
import re
import warnings

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import InMemoryUploadedFile
from django.forms import FileField
from django.http import QueryDict

from djangofloor.utils import RemovedInDjangoFloor200Warning

    from inspect import signature
except ImportError:
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyPackageRequirements
    from funcsigs import signature

__author__ = "Matthieu Gallet"
logger = logging.getLogger("djangofloor.signals")


[docs]class DynamicQueueName: """Allow to dynamically select a Celery queue when the signal is called. You can use it if all signals of a user must be processed by the same worker, but you still want to dispatch signals to several workers. """ def __call__(self, connection, window_info, original_kwargs): """called for each signal call to dispatch this connection""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_available_queues(self): """return the set of all queues that can be returned by the `__call__` method. However, if this method is not implemented, the impact is currently limited: * the monitoring view will not display all required queues, * the systemd service files (provided by the `packaging` command) will not create all required workers. """ return {settings.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE}
[docs]class RandomDynamicQueueName(DynamicQueueName): """Return a random queue on each signal call. This class is somewhat useless since you could just run more workers on the same queue. >>> q = RandomDynamicQueueName('prefix-', 2) >>> q.get_available_queues() == {'prefix-0', 'prefix-1'} True >>> q(None, None, None) in {'prefix-0', 'prefix-1'} True """ def __init__(self, prefix: str, size: int): """ :param prefix: prefix of the queue :param size: number of available queues """ self.prefix = prefix self.size = size def __call__(self, connection, window_info, original_kwargs): return "%s%d" % (self.prefix, random.randint(0, self.size - 1))
[docs] def get_available_queues(self): return {"%s%d" % (self.prefix, x) for x in range(self.size)}
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def server_side(connection, window_info, kwargs): """never allows a signal to be called from WebSockets; this signal can only be called from Python code. This is the default choice. >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=server_side) >>> def my_signal(window_info, arg1=None): >>> print(window_info, arg1) """ return False
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def everyone(connection, window_info, kwargs): """allow everyone to call a Python WS signal or remote function >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=everyone) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ return True
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def is_authenticated(connection, window_info, kwargs): """restrict a WS signal or a WS function to authenticated users >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=is_authenticated) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ return window_info and window_info.is_authenticated
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def is_anonymous(connection, window_info, kwargs): """restrict a WS signal or a WS function to anonymous users >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=is_anonymous) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ return window_info and window_info.is_anonymous
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def is_staff(connection, window_info, kwargs): """restrict a WS signal or a WS function to staff users >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=is_staff) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ return window_info and window_info.is_staff
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def is_superuser(connection, window_info, kwargs): """restrict a WS signal or a WS function to superusers >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=is_superuser) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ return window_info and window_info.is_superuser
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class has_perm: """restrict a WS signal or a WS function to users with permission "perm" >>> @signal(is_allowed_to=has_perm('app_label.codename')) >>> def my_signal(request, arg1=None): >>> print(request, arg1) """ def __init__(self, perm): self.perm = perm # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __call__(self, connection, window_info, kwargs): return window_info and window_info.has_perm(self.perm)
[docs]class Connection: """Parent class of a registered signal or remote function. Do not use it directly.""" required_function_arg = "window_info" def __init__(self, fn, path=None, is_allowed_to=server_side, queue=None): self.function = fn if not path: if getattr(fn, "__module__", None) and getattr(fn, "__name__", None): path = "%s.%s" % (fn.__module__, fn.__name__) elif getattr(fn, "__name__", None): path = fn.__name__ self.path = str(path) if not re.match(r"^([_a-zA-Z]\w*)(\.[_a-zA-Z]\w*)*$", self.path): raise ValueError("Invalid identifier: %s" % self.path) self.is_allowed_to = is_allowed_to self.queue = queue or settings.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE self.accept_kwargs = False self.argument_types = {} self.required_arguments_names = set() self.optional_arguments_names = set() self.accepted_argument_names = set() self.signature_check(fn) # noinspection PyTypeChecker if hasattr(fn, "__name__"): self.__name__ = fn.__name__
[docs] def signature_check(self, fn): """Analyze the signature of the registered Python code, and store the annotations. Check if the first argument is `window_info`. """ # fetch signature to analyze arguments sig = signature(fn) required_arg_is_present = False for key, param in sig.parameters.items(): if key == self.required_function_arg: required_arg_is_present = True continue if param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: # corresponds to "fn(**kwargs)" self.accept_kwargs = True elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: # corresponds to "fn(*args)" raise ValueError("Cannot connect a signal using the *%s syntax" % key) elif ( param.default == param.empty ): # "fn(foo)" : kind = POSITIONAL_ONLY or POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD self.required_arguments_names.add(key) if param.annotation != param.empty and callable(param.annotation): self.argument_types[key] = param.annotation self.accepted_argument_names.add(key) else: # "fn(foo=bar)" : kind = POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or KEYWORD_ONLY self.optional_arguments_names.add(key) self.accepted_argument_names.add(key) if param.annotation != param.empty and callable(param.annotation): self.argument_types[key] = param.annotation if self.required_function_arg and not required_arg_is_present: msg = '%s(%s) must takes "%s" as first argument' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.path, self.required_function_arg, ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def check(self, kwargs): """Check the provided kwargs and apply provided annotations to it. Return `None` if something is invalid (like an error raised by an annotation or a missing argument). """ cls = self.__class__.__name__ for k, v in self.argument_types.items(): try: if k in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v(kwargs[k]) except ValueError: logger.warning( '%s("%s"): Invalid value %r for argument "%s".' % (cls, self.path, kwargs[k], k) ) return None except TypeError: logger.warning( '%s("%s"): Invalid value %r for argument "%s".' % (cls, self.path, kwargs[k], k) ) return None for k in self.required_arguments_names: if k not in kwargs: logger.warning( '%s("%s"): Missing required argument "%s".' % (cls, self.path, k) ) return None if not self.accept_kwargs: for k in kwargs: if k not in self.accepted_argument_names: logger.warning( '%s("%s"): Invalid argument "%s".' % (cls, self.path, k) ) return None return kwargs
def __call__(self, window_info, **kwargs): return self.function(window_info, **kwargs)
[docs] def register(self): """Register the Python code to the right dict.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_queue(self, window_info, original_kwargs): """Provide the Celery queue name as a string.""" if callable(self.queue): return str(self.queue(self, window_info, original_kwargs)) return str(self.queue) or settings.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE
[docs]class SignalConnection(Connection): """represents a connected signal. """
[docs] def register(self): """register the signal into the `REGISTERED_SIGNALS` dict """ REGISTERED_SIGNALS.setdefault(self.path, []).append(self)
[docs] def call(self, window_info, **kwargs): from djangofloor.tasks import call, SERVER call(window_info, self.path, to=SERVER, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs]class FunctionConnection(Connection): """represent a WS function """
[docs] def register(self): """register the WS function into the `REGISTERED_FUNCTIONS` dict """ REGISTERED_FUNCTIONS[self.path] = self
[docs]class FormValidator(FunctionConnection): """Special signal, dedicated to dynamically validate a HTML form. However, files cannot be sent in the validation process. """
[docs] def signature_check(self, fn): """override the default method for checking the arguments, since they are independent from the Django Form. """ if not isinstance(fn, type) or not issubclass(fn, forms.BaseForm): raise ValueError("validate_form only apply to Django Forms") self.required_arguments_names = set() self.optional_arguments_names = {"data"} self.accepted_argument_names = {"data"}
def __call__(self, window_info, data=None): form = SerializedForm(self.function)(data) valid = form.is_valid() return { "valid": valid, "errors": { f: e.get_json_data(escape_html=False) for f, e in form.errors.items() }, "help_texts": { f: e.help_text for (f, e) in form.fields.items() if e.help_text }, }
[docs]def signal( fn=None, path=None, is_allowed_to=server_side, queue=None, cls=SignalConnection ): """Decorator to use for registering a new signal. This decorator returns the original callable as-is. """ def wrapped(fn_): wrapper = cls(fn=fn_, path=path, is_allowed_to=is_allowed_to, queue=queue) wrapper.register() return fn_ if fn is not None: wrapped = wrapped(fn) return wrapped
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs]def function(fn=None, path=None, is_allowed_to=server_side, queue=None): """Allow the following Python code to be called from the JavaScript code. The result of this function is serialized (with JSON and `settings.WEBSOCKET_SIGNAL_ENCODER`) before being sent to the JavaScript part. .. code-block:: python from djangofloor.decorators import function, everyone @function(path='myproject.myfunc', is_allowed_to=everyone) def myfunc(window_info, arg=None) print(arg) return 42 The this function can be called from your JavaScript code: .. code-block:: javascript $.dfws.myproject.myfunc({arg: 3123}).then(function(result) { alert(result); }); """ return signal( fn=fn, path=path, is_allowed_to=is_allowed_to, queue=queue, cls=FunctionConnection, )
[docs]def validate_form(form_cls=None, path=None, is_allowed_to=server_side, queue=None): """ Decorator for automatically validating HTML forms. Just add it to your Python code and set the 'onchange' attribute to your HTML code. The `path` argument should be unique to your form class. :param form_cls: any subclass of :class:`django.forms.Form` :param path: unique name of your form :param is_allowed_to: callable for restricting the use of the form validation :param queue: name (or callable) for ensuring small response times .. code-block:: python from djangofloor.decorators import everyone, validate_form @validate_form(path='', is_allowed_to=everyone, queue='fast') class MyForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() ... .. code-block:: html <form onchange="$.df.validateForm(this, '');" action="?" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_form form %} <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{% trans 'Search' %}"> </form> """ if path is None or is_allowed_to is server_side: # @validate_form # class MyForm(forms.Form): # ... raise ValueError( "is_allowed_to and path are not configured for the validate_form decorator" ) def wrapped(form_cls_): wrapper = FormValidator( form_cls_, path=path, is_allowed_to=is_allowed_to, queue=queue ) wrapper.register() return form_cls_ if form_cls: return wrapped(form_cls) return wrapped
[docs]class RE: """ used to check if a string value matches a given regexp. Example (requires Python 3.2+), for a function that can only handle a string of the form 123a456: .. code-block:: python @signal(path='myproject.signals.test') def test(window_info, value: RE('\\d{3}a\\d{3}')): pass Your code won't be called for values like "abc". :param value: regexp pattern :type value: `str` :param caster: if not `None`, any callable applied to the value (if valid) :type caster: `callable` or `None` :param flags: regexp flags passed to `re.compile` :type flags: `int` """ def __init__(self, value, caster=None, flags=0): self.caster = caster self.regexp = re.compile(value, flags=flags) def __call__(self, value): matcher = self.regexp.match(str(value)) if not matcher: raise ValueError value = if matcher.groups() else value return self.caster(value) if self.caster else value
[docs]class Choice: """ used to check if a value is among some valid choices. Example (requires Python 3.2+), for a function that can only two values: .. code-block:: python @signal(path='myproject.signals.test') def test(window_info, value: Choice([True, False])): pass Your code wan't be called if value is not True or False. :param caster: callable to convert the provided deserialized JSON data before checking its validity. """ def __init__(self, values, caster=None): self.values = set(values) self.caster = caster def __call__(self, value): value = self.caster(value) if self.caster else value if value not in self.values: raise ValueError return value
[docs]class SerializedForm: """Transform values sent by JS to a Django form. Given a form and a :class:`list` of :class:`dict`, transforms the :class:`list` into a :class:`django.http.QueryDict` and initialize the form with it. >>> from django import forms >>> class SimpleForm(forms.Form): ... field = forms.CharField() ... >>> x = SerializedForm(SimpleForm) >>> form = x([{'name': 'field', 'value': 'object'}]) >>> form.is_valid() True How to use it with Python3: .. code-block:: python @signal(path='myproject.signals.test') def test(window_info, value: SerializedForm(SimpleForm), other: int): print(value.is_valid()) How to use it with Python2: .. code-block:: python @signal(path='myproject.signals.test') def test(window_info, value, other): value = SerializedForm(SimpleForm)(value) print(value.is_valid()) On the JS side, you can serialize the form with JQuery: .. code-block:: html <form onsubmit="return $'myproject.signals.test', {value: $(this).serializeArray(), other: 42})"> <input name='field' value='test' type='text'> </form> """ def __init__(self, form_cls): self.form_cls = form_cls def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """ :param value: :type value: :class:`list` of :class:`dict` :return: :rtype: :class:`django.forms.Form` """ if value is None: return self.form_cls(*args, **kwargs) post_data = QueryDict("", mutable=True) file_data = QueryDict("", mutable=True) for obj in value: name = obj["name"] value = obj["value"] if name in self.form_cls.base_fields and isinstance( self.form_cls.base_fields[name], FileField ): mimetypes.init() basename = os.path.basename(value) (type_, __) = mimetypes.guess_type(basename) # it's a file => we need to simulate an uploaded one content = InMemoryUploadedFile( io.BytesIO(b"\0"), name, basename, type_ or "application/binary", 1, "utf-8", ) file_data.update({name: content}) else: post_data.update({name: value}) return self.form_cls(post_data, file_data, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LegacySignalConnection(SignalConnection): """.. deprecated:: 1.0 do not use it""" def __call__(self, window_info, **kwargs): result = super().__call__(window_info, **kwargs) if result: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from djangofloor.tasks import df_call for data in result: df_call( data["signal"], window_info, sharing=data.get("sharing"), from_client=False, kwargs=data["options"], )
[docs]def connect( fn=None, path=None, delayed=False, allow_from_client=True, auth_required=True ): """.. deprecated:: 1.0 do not use it""" delayed = delayed if not delayed: warnings.warn( 'The "delayed" argument is deprecated and useless.', RemovedInDjangoFloor200Warning, ) if allow_from_client and auth_required: is_allowed_to = is_authenticated elif allow_from_client: is_allowed_to = everyone else: is_allowed_to = server_side return signal(fn=fn, path=path, is_allowed_to=is_allowed_to)