Source code for djangofloor.wsgi.topics

"""Convert a websocket topic to a string

Each webpage using websockets is connected to several topics.
Other websocket topics can be any Python object that will be serialized to a string.
Two topics are transparently automatically added: `BROADCAST` and `WINDOW`.
The default serializer should be sufficient for any Django models, but of course you can override it

import logging

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db.models import Model
from djangofloor.wsgi.window_info import Session

__author__ = "Matthieu Gallet"
logger = logging.getLogger("djangofloor.signals")

[docs]def serialize_topic(window_info, obj): """ The default serialization function can serialize any Python object with the following rules * :class:`djangofloor.tasks.BROADCAST` to '-broadcast' * :class:`djangofloor.tasks.WINDOW` to '-window.' + the unique window key provided by the :class:`djangofloor.wsgi.window_info.WindowInfo` object, * :class:`django.db.models.Model` as "app_label.model_name.primary_key" * :class:`djangofloor.tasks.USER` to converted to the authenticated user then serialized as any Django model, * :class:`django.wsgi.window_info.Session` serialized to "-session.key" * other objects are serialized to "class.hash(obj)" """ from djangofloor.tasks import BROADCAST, USER, WINDOW if obj is BROADCAST: return "-broadcast" elif obj is WINDOW: if window_info is None: return None return "-window.%s" % window_info.window_key elif isinstance(obj, type): return "-<%s>" % obj.__name__ elif isinstance(obj, Model): # noinspection PyProtectedMember meta = obj._meta return "-%s.%s.%s" % (meta.app_label, meta.model_name, or 0) elif obj is USER: if window_info is None: return None # noinspection PyProtectedMember meta = get_user_model()._meta return "-%s.%s.%s" % (meta.app_label, meta.model_name, window_info.user_pk) elif isinstance(obj, Session): return "-session.%s" % obj.key return "-%s.%s" % (obj.__class__.__name__, hash(obj))