Source code for djangofloor.utils

"""Utility functions

Define some utility functions like warning or walking through modules.


import argparse
import os
import re
import zlib
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from importlib import import_module

import pkg_resources
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

__author__ = "Matthieu Gallet"

[docs]class RemovedInDjangoFloor110Warning(DeprecationWarning): """Used for displaying functions or modules that will be removed in a near future.""" pass
[docs]class RemovedInDjangoFloor200Warning(DeprecationWarning): """Used for displaying functions or modules that will be removed in a near future.""" pass
[docs]def is_package_present(package_name): """Return True is the `package_name` package is presend in your current Python environment.""" try: import_module(package_name) return True except ImportError: return False
[docs]def ensure_dir(path, parent=True): """Ensure that the given directory exists :param path: the path to check :param parent: only ensure the existence of the parent directory """ dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if parent else path if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) return path
[docs]def walk(module_name, dirname, topdown=True): """ Copy of :func:`os.walk`, please refer to its doc. The only difference is that we walk in a package_resource instead of a plain directory. :type module_name: basestring :param module_name: module to search in :type dirname: basestring :param dirname: base directory :type topdown: bool :param topdown: if True, perform a topdown search. """ def rec_walk(root): """ Recursively list subdirectories and filenames from the root. :param root: the root path :type root: basestring """ dirnames = [] filenames = [] for name in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(module_name, root): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences fullname = root + "/" + name isdir = pkg_resources.resource_isdir(module_name, fullname) if isdir: dirnames.append(name) if not topdown: rec_walk(fullname) else: filenames.append(name) yield root, dirnames, filenames if topdown: for name in dirnames: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences for values in rec_walk(root + "/" + name): yield values return rec_walk(dirname)
def _resolve_name(name, package, level): """Return the absolute name of the module to be imported.""" # noinspection PyTypeChecker if not hasattr(package, "rindex"): raise ValueError("'package' not set to a string") dot = len(package) for x in range(level, 1, -1): try: dot = package.rindex(".", 0, dot) except ValueError: raise ValueError("attempted relative import beyond top-level package") return "%s.%s" % (package[:dot], name)
[docs]def guess_version(defined_settings): """Guesss the project version. Expect an installed version (findable with pkg_resources) or __version__ in `your_project/`. If not found :param defined_settings: all already defined settings (dict) :type defined_settings: :class:`dict` :return: should be something like `"1.2.3"` :rtype: :class:`str` """ try: project_distribution = pkg_resources.get_distribution( defined_settings["DF_MODULE_NAME"] ) return project_distribution.version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pass try: return import_string("%s.__version__" % defined_settings["DF_MODULE_NAME"]) except ImportError: return "1.0.0"
[docs]def get_view_from_string(view_as_str): try: view = import_string(view_as_str) except ImportError: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Unable to import %s" % view_as_str) if hasattr(view, "as_view") and callable(view.as_view): return view.as_view() elif callable(view): return view raise ImproperlyConfigured( '%s is not callabled and does not have an "as_view" attribute' )
[docs]def remove_arguments_from_help(parser, arguments): assert isinstance(parser, ArgumentParser) assert isinstance(arguments, set) # noinspection PyProtectedMember for action in parser._actions: if arguments & set(action.option_strings): = argparse.SUPPRESS
[docs]def smart_pipfile_url(url: str) -> str: """ Given a `pip install URL`, return a valid PipFile line. >>> smart_pipfile_url('git://') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+') "MyProject = { git = '', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+') "MyProject = { git = '', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+ssh://') "MyProject = { git = 'ssh://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+git://') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+file://') "MyProject = { git = 'file://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git://') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'master', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git://') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'v1.0', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git://') "MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+') "MyProject = { hg = '', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+') "MyProject = { hg = '', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+ssh://') "MyProject = { hg = 'ssh://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+') "MyProject = { hg = '', ref = 'da39a3ee5e6b', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('svn+svn://') "MyProject = { svn = 'svn://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('svn+') "MyProject = { svn = '', ref = '2019', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+') "MyProject = { bzr = '', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+s') "MyProject = { bzr = 's', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+ssh://') "MyProject = { bzr = 'ssh://', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('requests[socks]') "requests = { extras = ['socks'] }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('requests[socks,all]') "requests = { extras = ['socks', 'all'] }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('records>0.5.0') "records = '>0.5.0'" >>> smart_pipfile_url('git+') "django = { git = '', ref = '1.11.4', editable = true }" >>> smart_pipfile_url('') '"7377c666" = { file = \\'\\' }' >>> smart_pipfile_url('pywinusb;python_version<"2.7"') "pywinusb = '*'" """ def pip_repr(value: dict): return "{ %s }" % ", ".join(["%s = %r" % (k, v) for (k, v) in value.items()]) class TRUE: def __repr__(self): return "true" url_matcher = re.match( r"^(svn\+|git\+|hg\+|bzr\+)?(([^:]+)://[^/]+/[^@#]+)(@[^#]+)?(#.+)?$", url ) git_matcher = re.match(r"^git\+([^@]+)@([^:]+):([^#]+)#egg=(.*)$", url) pkg_matcher = re.match( r"^([^\[;=<>~]+)(\[[^\]]+\])?((===|!=|<=|>=|<|>|==|~=)[^;]+)?(;.*)?$", url.replace(" ", ""), ) egg_name = None values = {} if url_matcher: versionning_protocol, url, scheme, tag, anchor = url_matcher.groups() if versionning_protocol is None: if scheme == "git": versionning_protocol = scheme else: versionning_protocol = "file" else: versionning_protocol = versionning_protocol[:-1] if url.endswith(".git"): egg_name = url.rpartition("/")[2].rpartition(".")[0] elif versionning_protocol == "git": egg_name = url.rpartition("/")[2] if anchor and anchor.startswith("#egg="): egg_name = anchor[5:] values[versionning_protocol] = url if tag: values["ref"] = tag[1:] if versionning_protocol != "file": values["editable"] = TRUE() if not egg_name: egg_name = ('"%X"' % zlib.crc32(url.encode())).lower() elif git_matcher: login, host, project, egg_name = git_matcher.groups() values["git"] = "git://%s@%s/%s" % (login, host, project) values["editable"] = TRUE() elif pkg_matcher: egg_name, extra, spec, __, markers = pkg_matcher.groups() if extra: values["extras"] = extra[1:-1].split(",") if spec: values["version"] = spec elif not values: values["version"] = "*" if len(values) == 1 and "version" in values: return "%s = %r" % (egg_name, values["version"]) return "%s = %s" % (egg_name, pip_repr(values))