
Utility functions

Define some utility functions like warning or walking through modules.

exception djangofloor.utils.RemovedInDjangoFloor110Warning[source]

Used for displaying functions or modules that will be removed in a near future.

exception djangofloor.utils.RemovedInDjangoFloor200Warning[source]

Used for displaying functions or modules that will be removed in a near future.

djangofloor.utils.ensure_dir(path, parent=True)[source]

Ensure that the given directory exists

  • path – the path to check
  • parent – only ensure the existence of the parent directory

Guesss the project version. Expect an installed version (findable with pkg_resources) or __version__ in your_project/ If not found

Parameters:defined_settings (dict) – all already defined settings (dict)
Returns:should be something like “1.2.3”
Return type:str

Return True is the package_name package is presend in your current Python environment.

djangofloor.utils.remove_arguments_from_help(parser, arguments)[source]
djangofloor.utils.smart_pipfile_url(url: str) → str[source]

Given a pip install URL, return a valid PipFile line.

>>> smart_pipfile_url('git://')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+')
"MyProject = { git = '', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+')
"MyProject = { git = '', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+ssh://')
"MyProject = { git = 'ssh://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+git://')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+file://')
"MyProject = { git = 'file://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git://')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'master', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git://')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'v1.0', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git://')
"MyProject = { git = 'git://', ref = 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+')
"MyProject = { hg = '', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+')
"MyProject = { hg = '', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+ssh://')
"MyProject = { hg = 'ssh://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('hg+')
"MyProject = { hg = '', ref = 'da39a3ee5e6b', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('svn+svn://')
"MyProject = { svn = 'svn://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('svn+')
"MyProject = { svn = '', ref = '2019', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+')
"MyProject = { bzr = '', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+s')
"MyProject = { bzr = 's', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('bzr+ssh://')
"MyProject = { bzr = 'ssh://', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('requests[socks]')
"requests = { extras = ['socks'] }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('requests[socks,all]')
"requests = { extras = ['socks', 'all'] }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('records>0.5.0')
"records = '>0.5.0'"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('git+')
"django = { git = '', ref = '1.11.4', editable = true }"
>>> smart_pipfile_url('')
'"7377c666" = { file = \'\' }'
>>> smart_pipfile_url('pywinusb;python_version<"2.7"')
"pywinusb = '*'"
djangofloor.utils.walk(module_name, dirname, topdown=True)[source]

Copy of os.walk(), please refer to its doc. The only difference is that we walk in a package_resource instead of a plain directory. :type module_name: basestring :param module_name: module to search in :type dirname: basestring :param dirname: base directory :type topdown: bool :param topdown: if True, perform a topdown search.