
Convert values from config files to Python values

Use these classes in your mapping provided in yourproject.iniconf:INI_MAPPING. Check djangofloor.conf.mapping for examples.

class djangofloor.conf.fields.BooleanConfigField(name, setting_name, allow_none=False, **kwargs)[source]

Search for a boolean value in the ini file. If this value is empty and allow_none is True, then the value is None. Otherwise returns True if the provided (lower-cased) text is one of (‘1’, ‘ok’, ‘yes’, ‘true’, ‘on’)

class djangofloor.conf.fields.CharConfigField(name, setting_name, allow_none=True, **kwargs)[source]

Accepts str values. If allow_none, then None replaces any empty value.

class djangofloor.conf.fields.ChoiceConfigFile(name, setting_name, choices, help_str='', **kwargs)[source]

Only allow a limited set of values in the .ini file. The available values must be given as str.

Choices must be a dict, mapping .ini (string) values to actual values.

If an invalid value is provided by the user, then None is returned, but an error is displayed through the Django check system.

class djangofloor.conf.fields.ConfigField(name: str, setting_name: str, from_str=<class 'str'>, to_str=<function str_or_blank>, help_str: str = None, default: object = None)[source]

Class that maps an option in a .ini file to a setting.

  • name – the section and the option in a .ini file (like “database.engine”)
  • setting_name – the name of the setting (like “DATABASE_ENGINE”)
  • from_str (callable) – any callable that takes a text value and returns an object. Default to str_or_none
  • to_str (callable) – any callable that takes the Python value and that converts it to str. Default to str
  • help_str – any text that can serve has help in documentation.
  • default – the value that will be used in documentation. The current setting value is used if equal to None.
class djangofloor.conf.fields.FloatConfigField(name, setting_name, allow_none=True, **kwargs)[source]

Accept floating-point values. If allow_none, then None replaces any empty values (other 0.0 is used).

class djangofloor.conf.fields.IntegerConfigField(name, setting_name, allow_none=True, **kwargs)[source]

Accept integer values. If allow_none, then None replaces any empty values (other 0 is used).

class djangofloor.conf.fields.ListConfigField(name, setting_name, **kwargs)[source]

Convert a string to a list of values, splitted with the djangofloor.conf.fields.strip_split() function.


return True if the provided (lower-cased) text is one of (‘1’, ‘ok’, ‘yes’, ‘true’, ‘on’)


Replace an absolute path by its relative path if the abspath begins by the current dir


return ‘’ if the provided value is None, else return value


return None if the text is empty, else returns the text


Split the value on “,” and strip spaces of the result. Remove empty values.

>>> strip_split('keyword1, keyword2 ,,keyword3')
["keyword1", "keyword2", "keyword3"]
>>> strip_split('')
>>> strip_split(None)
Returns:a list of strings
Return type:list